Hey supermum!

Today is your day! You will discover 5 super simple strategies that will transform your child’s health using 100% natural products!

Find these strategies, and much more in my 35-page e-book designed specifically for busy moms.

Leave your details below and you will receive your free copy of my e-book within seconds.

Is your child's health a constant worry? Take charge and discover how you can empower yourself to handle your child's well-being independently. Gain control over health matters, and unlock the secrets to help your little one to become the most vibrant version of him- or herself.

Plus, embark on a journey to enhance your own well-being. Learn all this and more in my comprehensive 35-page e-book, tailored specifically for moms like you!

In my e-book I will reveal:

  • Why fever is good for your child (it is not what you think)
  • What I did as a mum so that my kids never needed anti-biotics during the first 12 years of their lives (and hardly ever get sick anyway…)
  • What the function of coughing is (you will be surprised)
  • How your child can help you with identifying their medical needs (spoiler: they are never to young to help you!)
  • How this information helps you to find a position of power and how this radically improves your life and your child’s life.

And much, much more. So click below for a free copy of my e-book

Don't take my word. Ask my former students:

Amy (24)

I never thought that I would find a medical program so enjoyable and that I would find the self-esteem to apply the knowledge that Vanja shared with me. She is not only passionate about natural health, but is also one of the best teachers that I ever had.

Bec (41)

During the program, Vanja presents her learnings in so many ways. No matter what your preferred way of learning is: Vanja will be able to help you. Vanja has helped my family a lot, but most of all: she helped me to believe in myself. 10 out of 10!

Sonya (32)

WOW! Vanja really understands what it is to be a mum, and how to help modern day mums. And we had a lot of fun too.

"Since 2001 I have been helping mums and their children to massively improve their health in general and their immune system specifically. It is my mission to empower 10,000 women worldwide before 2028 by teaching them how to take control of their child’s health."

Vanja Wierenga

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